Verticutting your lawn.(Scarifying)
Deep clean the lawn.
Verticutting is using a machine, much like mower except that it has many vertical blades instead of one horizontal blade. This machine is designed to cut small grooves in the lawn down through the thatch layer
In addition to cutting the layer this machine removes excess organic matter and thatch – layer that is between actively growing grass and soil. It has accumulated dead leaves, grass, cuttings, and other debris, and is restricting air flow to the roots.
Verticutting helps with removing of broad leaf weeds and moss, leaf litter. It propagates grass by cutting the root and thus creating space for new, heathier shoots. The depth of Verticutting depends on the condition of the lawn. It is important not to cut your lawn too deep, as a verticutter is designed to be used above the thatch layer. Before Verticutting you will have to prepare the lawn by mowing the grass, be sure to set your mower to 3cm height.
Few general rules:
- Verticutting should be done during active growing season – the best time in Spring is just after the first cut.
- The depth depends on the condition of your lawn, but it is important that verticutter leaves grooves at a depth of 0.5cm to 1cm.
- Verticutting should be done twice during the growing season – for example in May and September.
- Use it in straight lines only, as it can damage the turf when turning.
- Check for any low points, sprinkler heads or other objects before starting the Verticutting.
Well looked after lawns will need this process once a year and every year in Spring. Verticutting in Autumn will tidy the lawn before Winter, therefore reducing the risk of infestation or disease. Verticutting can be used in combination with other techniques such as aerating, reseeding, sanding, and feeding. Any debris created during the process should be removed from the lawn.
Verticutting vs. Aerating.
Quite often these two terms do get mixed up. However, there is one clear distinction to be made between two techniques. Aeration allows air to penetrate built-up grass or thatch layer. There are many different techniques and tools available – special lawn aerator shoes, spike aerator and plug aerator. Verticutting is a type of aeration, the difference being Verticutters loosens only the top layer.